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stripper plate中文是什么意思

用"stripper plate"造句"stripper plate"怎么读"stripper plate" in a sentence


  • 剥料板
  • 活盖板
  • 茎稿挡板
  • 推板
  • 推件板
  • 脱料板
  • 脱模板
  • 卸料板


  • Runner stripper plate
  • The pendulum block of the ejector on this mould makes the velocity different between the stripper plate and the ejector sleeve , which realizes the twi - ejection , and thus solves the problem of the casting distortion
  • In order to solve the problem of the difficulty for the complicated shell in stripping away from the mould , the technical trait of the complicated shell has been analyzed , the twi - ejector using stripper plate and ejector sleeve has been designed , the mould operational principle and the structure trait have been discussed , and the die casting machine has been selected based on the swelling force calculation
用"stripper plate"造句  
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